Monday, August 20, 2007

The Davis Family, August 18,2007

Barbara with her sister Frances and brother Michael on the occasion of the marriage of Michael's daughter HeatherPosted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Premier visits Niagara

The setting for the Premier's visit was the beautiful grounds at Founders' Hall at the Inniskillin Winery
Here is barbara with Ken Knox, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and one of the hosts, Don Ziraldo, founder of Inniskillin Winery

Premier McGuinty with the Bradley boys Ted and Jim

Barbara and Jim enjoy some conversation as the Premier reviews his notes
Premier McGuinty shares some of his ideas with Barbara and Ted.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Jim's 20th Birthday Party

Jim and his grandfather Ted enjoy the day.

Jenn and Jim have made plans for their wedding next year. A great couple!!!

The happy group say goodbye to Jim's teen years.